About Us





New Holland Christian Reformed Church
P. O. Box 3
New Holland, SD 57364
Phone:  (605) 243-2250

Our church is made up of many people, but here is a list of some you may need to contact:


bullet Rev. Norlyn Van Beek (Specialized Transitional Ministry)


bullet Bob Holleman, Chair (605) 243-2294 or (605) 680-4261
bullet Dennis Hubers, Vice-Chair (605) 243-2384 or (605) 680-9767
bullet Tom Steinhauser, Clerk (605) 337-9777 or (605) 941-1679
bullet Vic Munneke, Vicar (605) 680-1955
bullet Myron Veurink
bullet Gorden Munneke


bullet Rudy Niewenhuis, Chair/Treasurer (New Building)
bullet Ben Kroese, Secretary (Education Fund, Cemetery contact person)
bullet Tyler Veurink, (Comptroller)
bullet Jon Hoeksema, (Benevolent Fund)
bullet Tim VanderLey (Local Missions)
bullet Travis Dyk (Building and Grounds)


bullet (Outside) Wayne Bok (605) 243-2242 or (605) 680-2807
bullet (Inside) Riley & Jamie Niewenhuis (605) 730-5103 or (605) 730-1607
bullet (Fellowship Hall) Percy & Carol Dykshorn 243-2247
bullet (Church-Hall Reservations) Nova Steinhauser (605) 337-9777 or (605) 682-0028
                                       Vonnie Van Horssen
(605) 243-2270 or (605) 682-9233

Cemetery Sexton:

bullet Jay Feenstra (Books) (605) 946-5257 or (605) 680-2312
bullet    (Grounds)

Link for - NHCRC-Booklet-2023


Contact hhofstee@midstatesd.net for information or comments about the church.
More contacts on the About Us page.