3rd Sunday of Lent, March 23, 2025
Preaching: Pastor Scott Nichols
Scripture: John 12:23-33 ESV
Message: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross – The Son”
WELCOME! We share this Lenten season together with hearts and minds focused on the gift of salvation from Jesus our Savior. We are glad you’ve joined us in worshiping Him! We invite all to stay for refreshments and fellowship following worship.
Greeters: Today: Fred & Patty Ligtenberg; Next Week: Bernie & Genevieve Schelling
Nursery: Today: Bridget Veurink; Next Week: Bethany Eggers
Praise Teams: Today: Marsha, Cassie, Heidi; Next Week: Sunday School kids
CRC Offering: Today: We Care Fund; Next Week: Ministry Shares
Parking Lot: Today: Richard & Kris VZ.; Next Week: Elroy Z.
Children & Worship: Today: “Jesus Cleansing the Temple,” Rachel & Kailahni; Next Week: “Jesus Washing the Disciples’ Feet,” Jodie & Tryton
Worship in March: Worship services for March will be held at the CRC facility. Messages are offered electronically as well, streaming live at 10 a.m. on YouTube (link will be posted on Facebook), as well as broadcasting in Corsica on channel 95.
Prayers for God’s People:
Please continue to pray for those in our church family and extended family dealing with health issues: Ronda Hollander, Barbara Noteboom, Tiffany Mailey, Gord & MaryLou Kredit, Bob & Bobbie Nichols, Verlin VanderWal, Neil Hall, Dick Bordewyk and Birdie Schoon.
Please pray for families in our church as they daily care for loved ones in need, as well as for the health of our church family members, especially those most vulnerable in the nursing home and Leisure Living.
Luke 15 Prayer List: Aaron, Elias, Mike, Dave.
Happy Birthday to Everett Eggers (March 23), Rowdy DeLange (March 24), Shauna VanderPol (March 28), Troy Noteboom (March 28) and Harlea BaanHofman. Have a great day!
Opportunities to Grow and Serve
Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School at CRC
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship / Children & Worship at CRC
Monday 7:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study at CRC
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Lenten Bible Study on Job at Grace
Saturday 7:00 a.m. Men’s Lenten Breakfast at CTP
ATTENTION MEN: We need 11 men for the Good Friday service skit on April 18. Young or old. Short parts will make it easier for everyone. Contact Terri Van Roekel or Julie Feenstra.
Kick Off Passion Week with CCYG's Request Program on Palm Sunday evening, April 13, at 7 p.m. Join us for music and fellowship. Free will offering will be taken for expenses for our Serve trip to TN this summer.
CCYG selling Dakota Tom sandwiches March 12 thru April 8. Delivery will be April 16. All sandwiches are $4 each. Sandwiches are Hoagie, Ham & Cheese, and Sausage Egg Cheese Croissant. Contact a CCYG member or Heidi.
Do you have a need? Or know someone in need in our church family? Please contact Elaine DeVries at 680-4181 or Laura Noteboom at 201-9171 with requests for church family support. No need is too great or too small when we all work together to meet it.
Grace/CRC Church Family: “Rejoice with those who rejoice! Walk beside the weary.” If you are interested in being on a list of those helping to meet needs of our church family, please contact Elaine DeVries at 680-4181 or Laura Noteboom at 201-9171. This may involve anything from meal prep to yard work so all are welcome to be part of a contact list about needs. You may then decide if you can help with that particular need.
Requested Announcements
Dakota Jubilee Home Concert: The 22 men of Dakota Jubilee will provide an evening of Christian and Patriotic music on TONIGHT, March 23, at 7 p.m., at the First Reformed Church in Platte. A time of fellowship and goodies will follow! Everyone is welcome! A free-will offering will be accepted.
Puzzle, Pizza & Pints: Wednesday, March 26 starting at 6:30 p.m., the Harrison Community Church Guild will be putting on a Puzzle, Pizza & Pints Competition. There will be teams of 4 competing to see who can complete a puzzle, eat a large pizza and 2 pints of ice cream first. There will be prizes for the top two teams! Sign up fast as there will only be 15 teams! $100 per team (plus some cheat options ;) ) If there is enough interest, we will also host a kids competition and a non-competitors table. If you’re interested, please contact Norma DW 682-9515 or Tracy M 680-4511. Deadline is March 23.
Friends of Dakota Christian School: You are invited to join us on All School Buddy "Welcome In" Day! As part of our annual Ignite Week focusing on spiritual growth, we will be hosting a time of interacting with students of all ages. Buddy groups will be moving from table to table pausing for short chats with guests who join us for this intergenerational get-to-know-you time. Please join us this Thursday, March 27 from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. so we can get to know you better! It would be helpful for planning to know if you can make it. Please contact Kim Zomer at (605) 680-4249 or kimzomer@dakotachristian.net for more information or to reserve your spot for this fun morning!
Dakota Christian School will hold its annual Society Meeting on Monday, March 31, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the gymnasium. You will be asked to approve a new budget and to vote for new board members at this meeting. The nominees for new board members are Michael Buitenbos, Joel Davis, Ian Kuipers, Dillon Munneke, Lee Qualm, and Brittney Veurink. You will be asked to vote for three. All DCS supporters are welcome and encouraged to attend. Absentee ballots are available at the DCS office.