2nd Sunday of Advent, December 8, 2024
Preaching: Pastor Scott Nichols
Scripture: Luke 2:8-20
Message: “Christmas Hearts: Witnessing”
WELCOME! We are glad you’ve joined us to worship our King Jesus and anticipate His return together this Advent season. Please stay for refreshments and fellowship following worship.
Nursery: Today: Cali VandenHoek; Next Week: Emily Fechner
Greeters: Today: Corey & Denise VanderPol; Next Week: Chad & Shauna VanderPol
Praise Teams: Today: Mike, Jennifer, Sharon, Lindsey; Next Week: Tom, Kylee, Vicki, Laura
CRC Offering: Today: Building Fund; Next Week: Dakota Christian School
Parking Lot: Today: Richard & Kris VZ.; Next Week: Elroy Z.
Children & Worship: Today: “Advent II,” Sheryl & Laikynn; Next Week: “Advent III,” Max & Remi VH
Greeters in December: Dec. 22: Mitch & Melissa VanderPol; Dec. 29: Cal & Kim Zomer & Elroy Zomer
Worship in December: Worship services for December will be held at the CRC facility. Messages are offered electronically as well, streaming live at 10 a.m. on YouTube (link will be posted on Facebook), as well as broadcasting in Corsica on channel 95.
Prayers for God’s People:
Please continue to pray for those in our church family and extended family dealing with health issues: Barbara Noteboom, Ken Niewenhuis, Tiffany Mailey, Gord & MaryLou Kredit, Bob & Bobbie Nichols, Joyce Brink, Wilma VandenHoek, Verlin VanderWal, Neil Hall, Dick Bordewyk, Birdie Schoon and Chad Wentland.
Please pray for families in our church as they daily care for loved ones in need, as well as for the health of our church family members, especially those most vulnerable in the nursing home and Leisure Living.
Luke 15 Prayer List: Aaron, Elias, Mike, Dave.
Happy Birthday to Marisa DeLange (Dec. 8), Troy Bosma (Dec. 10), Shad Bosma (Dec. 12) and Cal Zomer (Dec. 13). Have a great day!
CRC Congregational Meeting: Corsica CRC will meet after church this morning.
Grace Annual Meeting. Members of Grace will meet next Sunday, Dec. 15 after the morning service to review financials and to vote on two elders and two deacons. Elder candidates are Bruce Zomer, Troy Bosma, Grant Lubbers and Scott Muckey. Deacon candidates are Dylan Wickstrom, Josh Gerlach, Devin Veurink and Trent VandenHoek.
Sunday School Christmas Program parts have been distributed. Please help your children either memorize or be able to read their parts. The program will be presented Sunday, Dec. 15, at 6 p.m. at the CRC. On Dec. 8 & 15 we plan to hold full Sunday school practices before church during the regular Sunday school time. Please plan on practice on Sat., Dec. 14 (PreK – 12th), at 9:30 a.m. Please have your children at all the practices if possible.
Opportunities to Grow and Serve
Sunday 9:00 a.m. Sunday School at CRC
10:00 a.m. Morning Worship / Children & Worship at CRC
4:00 p.m. Caroling
Monday 7:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study at CRC
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Advent Bible Study on Ruth 4 at Grace
Saturday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School program practice (PreK – 12th)
Help spread some cheer! Join us today at 4 pm for Christmas caroling. Warm up your voice and help warm some hearts. All are welcome to join us for fellowship and fun. Soup and goodies to follow at Grace Church.
Senior Christmas Party (65+) will be Tuesday, December 17, at 6 p.m. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall at Grace for a time of food, fun and fellowship. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex so we can make plans. Please sign up to attend as well as if you are able to bring a baked treat.
Got beef? CCYG does! Buy beef tickets to win 1/4 beef, locker fee included at Rick's. The selling starts November 2, and the drawing will be on Wednesday, December 11. 1 ticket for $15, 3 for $25, or 5 for $40.
Do you have a need? Or know someone in need in our church family? Please contact Elaine DeVries at 680-4181 or Laura Noteboom at 201-9171 with requests for church family support. No need is too great or too small when we all work together to meet it.
Grace/CRC Church Family: “Rejoice with those who rejoice! Walk beside the weary.” If you are interested in being on a list of those helping to meet needs of our church family, please contact Elaine DeVries at 680-4181 or Laura Noteboom at 201-9171. This may involve anything from meal prep to yard work so all are welcome to be part of a contact list about needs. You may then decide if you can help with that particular need.
Requested Announcements
Living Nativity presented by New Holland CRC today between 5:30-7:30 p.m. Drive through the true magic of Christmas and remember why we celebrate with family and friends. Real people and live animals tell the amazing story of the incredible birth of Jesus through 5 different scenes. Please enter on the north side of the church at Main Street and 273rd Street. Freewill offering for building new church facilities.
DCS Board Meeting will be held Monday, Dec. 9 at 7 p.m.
DCS Scrip orders are due Tuesday, Dec. 10 by 8:30 a.m. at the school office.
The DCS Junior Class will have a free-will donation bake sale at the Platte-Geddes double-header on Saturday, December 14. We would appreciate pre-packaged baked goods (individual or half dozen). Please have them at DCS by Friday, December 13. Contact Kim Zomer (605-680-4249) if you have any questions.
Christmas Concert: The Dakota Christian School Preschool—12th Grades will present their Christmas Concert 'The Songs of Christmas' on Thursday, December 12, at 7:00 p.m. We invite you to join us!