Corsica SD Website
sunrise |
high 39.5 27.8º low 26.8 |
8:01 am | |
sunset | |
5:26 pm |
Thurs. close at Cenex/Harvest States |
Corn BC | 3.97 |
Soybeans | 9.04 | |
Winter Wheat | 4.23 |
See Tomorrow Noon Special
Fri 5PM to Close
Have no fear of perfection -- you'll never reach it.
--Salvador Dali
Surrealist artist
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office is requesting that ALL residents in the City of Corsica put their house numbers on their homes. This would help them & all services, including EMERGENCY services for quicker access to your address. Thank you! |
Sat, Jan 18 10:00 am
Auction of surplus church items in Harrison. Church pews, many folding chairs, dishes, banners, decorations, etc. Auction will start in the North building and then move to South building. Lunch will be served, free will donation. List of Items
Tue, Jan 21 6:30 pm
Aurora Douglas Republican Women will meet at the Travel Plaza in Corsica. Official meeting will begin at 7:00. Come to eat with us at 6:30! Visitors are welcome!
Sat, Jan 25 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
America Legion post 274's annual soup lunch at the legion hall in Corsica, SD. We will draw the 3 winners for our raffle shortly after. Come join us for soup, sandwiches and deserts! Thank you for your support.
Post Your Note
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Submit it here
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