






      “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10

March 23, 2025

March 16, 2025

March 9, 2025

March 2, 2025

The hard copies of the Sunday bulletin announcements can be found in the fellowship hall kitchen.

Elder & Deacon Districts

Pastor: Specialized Transitional Ministry - Rev. Norlyn Van Beek
Bob Holleman

District 1. New Holland: Vic Munneke and Tim Vander Ley
District 2
. NW of New Holland: Tom Steinhauser and Ben Kroese
District 3
. NE of New Holland: Dennis Hubers and Jon Hoeksema
District 4
. SW of New Holland: Myron Veurink and Travis Dyk
District 5:
SE of New Holland: Gorden Munneke and Rudy Niewenhuis


     Our Missionaries

There are members of our congregation who are part of the Crossroads Prison Ministries team.  If you would like to join in this ministry click Here.

The missionaries supported directly by our congregation:

The Sartis (Guatemala-pledge) 
Lake Andes Sunday School (Sunday School offering)
Ruth Veltkamp (Nigeria-Lord’s Supper offerings)

The Selemanis (Mozambique, YWAM - pledge)
The Nugterens (Navigators - pledge)
The Bordewyks (
Time to Revive - pledge)

Due to changes in the law concerning confidentiality, hospitals and nursing homes are no longer allowed to notify Pastors when members of their congregations are hospitalized or when they have become ill.  For that reason we ask that if you are hospitalized or become ill that you call the Pastor or your district Elder or Deacon as soon as possible, so that timely pastoral assistance can be offered.

    All bulletin announcements should be submitted to Donna Veurink (243-2268 or mveurink@midstatesd.net), including hospitalizations and prayer requests. Deadline is Thursday noon.



Direct links to other area church bulletins
Harrison | Corsica Grace Ref | Corsica CRC
Grandview Reformed | Aurora Reformed | Platte CRC
Our Savior Lutheran Church | St. Paul Lutheran



Contact hhofstee@midstatesd.net for information or comments about the church.
More contacts on the About Us page.