Corsica SD Website
sunrise |
high 28.6 23.5º low 12.3 |
7:31 am | |
sunset | |
6:04 pm |
weekend close at Cenex/Harvest States |
Corn BC | 4.27 |
Soybeans | 9.31 | |
Winter Wheat | 4.96 |
See Tomorrow Evening Special
Fri 5PM to Close
It is the trade of lawyers to question everything, yield nothing and talk by the hour.
--Thomas Jefferson
former president
Today's Notes Sponsor:
Corsica Commercial Club has a few community calendars left. This is a great calendar to have with community member birthdays/anniversaries plus school game schedules! Get yours today for $5 at the Corner Market.
Post Your Note
Have an announcement, event or item you want to put on the public note-board?
Submit it here
Barb Groeneweg, Agent - (605) 946-5205
Rocky Niewenhuis, Agent - (605) 946-5606 is a privately owned and managed website. It is provided as a service to the community. Thank our sponsors!